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A list of some of the current projects that the Parish Council are looking into...


If you have any ideas for new projects, please get in touch with a councillor, or come along to one of the meetings, the public are always welcome!

Traffic Calming

Continued requests for traffic surveys along York Road and at the A63 school crossing.


With concerns about vehicles speeding along York Road, as well as the increasing amount of HGVs going through the village, North Yorks Highways have been asked to conduct traffic surveys.


The Parish Council have purchased an electronic speed-warning sign to be rotated between the 40-MPH stretch of the A63 at the crossroads (both directions) and the 30-MPH northern section of York Road.


Village Walks

There has been a good deal of work done planning some walking routes around the village. These have now been published and can be viewed on this website...take a look at them here.


Footpath to Cliffe Common

The Parish Council are currently discussing the possibility of continuing the footpath from York Road up to Cliffe Common.


Village Green Improvements

The section of the dyke next to the village green has now been culverted, work will continue to make this area an extension of the village green, with the inclusion of a commemorative 'Coronation Bench' which will include four mosaics designed and made by the children at Cliffe Primary school, with the assistance of local artist Sue Clayton.


Parish Paddock

The Parish Council are looking into the possibility of tidying up the paddock at Cliffe Common and making it into a nature reserve.





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