Fancy a walk?
A couple of years ago, members of the Parish Council and a village walking group worked on plotting some walks around the village for you to enjoy...
They are now available to view, or download and print off.
Remember to always follow the countryside code!
Close gates after you, keep dogs on leads where there is livestock and don't let them run through field crops, this damages the crops and don't let dogs foul in food crops!!!
Explore in detail the local footpaths following this link to NY Council...OS Maps desktop
And this is the mobile phone version...OS Maps Mobile
Please only use official public footpaths and tracks...
Don't rely on the accuracy of the footpaths marked on Google Maps...
They are often inaccurate and may lead to you being prosecuted for trespassing!
It is the landowner's legal responsibility to to ensure any public rights of way across their land are kept clear from obstruction.
Gates and stiles must be safely maintained and cross-field paths kept clear of crops.
If you would like to report an issue with a public footpath,
please visit North Yorkshire Council's website to report it.
You can also ask the Parish Council to look into issues with public footpaths for you.
These walking maps can be clicked on and the full-sized version printed off.
***If you have a favourite walk that you would like to share, please get in touch using the contact form at the bottom of this page!!!
3.25 Mile (5.2 km) Walk
This walk involves crossing a couple of fields, and also through a working farmyard with a potentially active runway - please use caution and take care near farming machinery!
Take care when using the railway crossings!!!
Click on the map to get the full-sized PDF which can be printed off