Due to the current issues surrounding the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Cliffe Parish Council are following government recommendations and will NOT be holding any meetings until further notice.
That doesn't mean that the Parish Council are inactive…the councillors will still be carrying out their duties to the best of their abilities and communicating with each other via email.
So if you have any issues or Parish concerns, please submit them via email to the clerk at: cliffepc@gmail.com
Assistance for vulnerable people.
During these difficult times it is important for us to all help each other. If you are in the position where you need to self-isolate and you (or somebody you know) is in need of any assistance with errands, shopping etc. please contact Cliffe Parish Council via email at: cliffepc@gmail.com or telephone 01757 630077 and they will do their best to try and arrange for some help for you.
Stay safe, don't buy more than you need and keep smiling!